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5 out of 5 Stars


– Savannah is wonderful to work with! Her patience and flexibility are like no other, in this field. In the time I worked out with her she knew what to focus on to get the results I was looking for. I have struggled with lower back pain for years and in working with her there was significant improvement in a brief period of time. Her knowledge and experience show in the customized workouts she put together for me to help improve my balance and work the muscles needed to improve and support my lower back. She was able pivot quickly when needed and provide a less strenuous workout if I was having any pain or discomfort. I am still using the tools she has provided to keep my back pain to a minimum, most days there is none. Her customized at home workouts are easy to follow to help maintain activity even when not going to visit her at her private studio. Highly Recommended for those that need a little more attention and do not like going to the crowded Gyms where you feel like everyone is watching you 6 out of 5 stars easily!!
-C. B. 

5 out of 5 Stars


-Savannah at Empowhered Fitness is absolutely amazing and insanely affordable for the knowledge and expertise she has! Her positivity, know-how, and inspiration are beyond compare. She helped me lose weight, build muscle, and gain self-confidence. She listened when I talked and watched my body language for when I refused to give in, but she could tell I was pushing too hard or that my body just wasn't ready to do something yet. Though she is also very encouraging when she could tell that I had more in me and just wasn't giving it my all. Her gym is very tidy and clean and contains all the equipment needed for a well rounded workout. Savannah is very good at re-assessing you and changing your workout to target what your body needs and also making sure that you don't get bored. Her goal is that you can take what you learn from her and use it in any gym safely, though she would love to continue to work with you. She is also very knowledgeable about helping you with your nutrition and supplements that may help with whatever your end goal is. Savannah only works with women and is one on one, so you are not just a number in a class that can hide. She really gets to know you and caters to whatever it is your body needs. Whether you are just starting your journey in weightless or are looking for more precise toning and muscle building, Savannah is the trainer you have been looking for! Thank you again Sav for all you have done for me!

-J. H.

5 out of 5 Stars

-Over the course of the time I have been working out with Savannah, I have been changing the way I view myself, the way I eat and the way I exercise. This has been absolutely rewarding in so many ways. I have lost weight, inches around my waist and I just feel better about the way I look.  Savannah has been a great teacher in helping me to find the right exercises for my body type and capabilities while considering any injuries I am working with. At times, when I express feeling too tired to keep going or feeling depressed about my eating habits or feeling unhappy with trying to keep everything healthy, Savannah helps me to not feel bad and offers many ways to get my head back in the game and encourages me to continue to focus on my achievements and the goals I have reached. I am participating in Savannah's virtual in-home personal training programs and her communication skills and attention to detail is excellent. I always know  what to do, how to do it, and the expectation is clearly outlined in each program so that I am not confused, with samples for safety and ease with new assigned exercises regularly for advancing and as needed. Savannah maintains contact through phone calls, emails, messages, and my favorite, the inspirational quotes. I feel incredibly supported in every aspect of my program that I am on. My exercise routines are easy to understand and easy to complete on the days assigned and the flexibility that Savannah has in place so that I can maintain my busy schedule as a full-time healthcare worker and working mom of 2. Thank you for letting me be a part of EmpowHERed Fitness!


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