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All too frequently, we are accosted by social media posts, television commercials, and a vast array of internet and magazine articles telling us when, where, and how to lose weight to achieve our - often inflated, and short-lived goals of self-betterment and longing to be thinner, toner, more active, and healthier versions of ourselves.  Similarily, we're often bombarded with an array of advertisements intent on jamming magic pills down our throats, praising fad-diets, touting the next "get-slim-quick" gimmick, and a multitude of life-hacks or doodad devices that promise instantaneous weight loss and muscles with little to no effort, work, or revision of our routine or habits from us. As a busy woman who is juggling work, family life, homeschooling, and many, many other responsibilities, I get it! I absolutely get it! It is easy to get swept off your feet and waltzed into a stupor with such promises of achieving your health and wellness goals so easily.

As alluring as that may sound - the presumption that a simple weight loss scheme is a sure fired way to see transformation, will create a deficiency in your fitness and nutrition routine and place you on the fast track to failure in reaching your goals - or of not having the ability to maintain goals once they've been reached. Personalization of your fitness and nutrition needs and goals, as well as communication and collaboration, are the keys to creating a well-designed program that will produce the successful outcomes that you so desire.

Through professional guidance, my goal is to encourage you to gain the insight and knowledge needed to empower you to adapt an individually constructed program consisting of a balanced physical routine and nutritional approach that you can implement into your already busy schedule. It is important that we work together to develop a professional relationship built on a foundation of trust and confidence, while adapting a healthy lifestyle and routine that will help you to tone and build muscle, burn unwanted fat, and ultimately lose weight, with successful results that you will be pleased with. I will provide the necessary encouragement, guidance, tools, and resources needed, to not only reach, but maintain your health and fitness goals! Let's get you moving in the right direction so you can become  

EmpowHERed - today! 

© EmpowHERed Fitness 2019

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